Template Gallery
  • Agreement
  • Application
  • Booking Form
  • Event
  • Registration
  • Request
  • Reservation
  • Survey
  • Waiver


  • Agreement - Confidentiality Agreement
    Agreement - Confidentiality Agreement
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  • Agreement - Legal Service Agreement
    Agreement - Legal Service Agreement
    Image load failed
  • Agreement - New Client Agreement
    Agreement - New Client Agreement
    Image load failed
  • Agreement - Personal Loan Agreement
    Agreement - Personal Loan Agreement
    Image load failed
  • Agreement - Purchase Agreement
    Agreement - Purchase Agreement
    Image load failed
  • Agreement -Coaching Agreement
    Agreement -Coaching Agreement
    Image load failed
  • Agreement -Sales Agreement
    Agreement -Sales Agreement
    Image load failed
  • Agreement -Travel Agency Agreement
    Agreement -Travel Agency Agreement
    Image load failed


  • Application - Car Rental
    Application -  Car Rental
    Image load failed
  • Application - Volunteer Application
    Application -  Volunteer Application
    Image load failed
  • Application - College/University Application Form
    Application - College/University Application Form
    Image load failed
  • Application - Evaluation of Educational Credentials
    Application - Evaluation of Educational Credentials
    Image load failed
  • Application - Home Loan Application
    Application - Home Loan Application
    Image load failed
  • Application - Job Application
    Application - Job Application
    Image load failed
  • Application - Membership Application
    Application - Membership Application
    Image load failed
  • Application - Ministry Application
    Application - Ministry Application
    Image load failed
  • Application - Personal Property Insurance
  • Application - Pet Adoption Application
  • Application - Rental Application
  • Application - Scholarship Application
  • Application - Summer Camp Enrollment
  • Application - Vendor Application
  • Application - Wholesale Application

Booking Form



  • Registration - Alumni Registration
  • Registration - Car Show Registration
  • Registration - Contest Registration Form
  • Registration - Golf Tournament Registration
  • Registration - Hotel Registration
  • Registration - Learning Center Registration
  • Registration - Library Card Registration
  • Registration - Membership Registration
  • Registration - New Customer Registration Form
  • Registration - Race Registration Form
  • Registration - Race Registration Form
  • Registration - Tutor Registration
  • Registration - Vendor Registration Form
  • Registration - Youth Program Registration


  • Request Form - Clinic Request Form
  • Request Form - Construction Project Request Form
  • Request Form - IT Service Request Form
  • Request Form - Information Request Form
  • Request Form - Maintenance Request Form
  • Request Form - Overnight Guest Request Form
  • Request Form - PTO Request Form
  • Request Form - Sample Request Form
  • Request Forms - Service Desk | Hardware Request Form


  • Reservation - Advertisement
  • Reservation - Airport Pick-up Reservation Form
  • Reservation - Banner
  • Reservation - Business Name
  • Reservation - Consultation Reservation Form
  • Reservation - Flight Reservation Form
  • Reservation - Library
  • Reservation - Make a Cater Reservation Online
  • Reservation - Meeting Room Reservation Form
  • Reservation - National Park Reservation Form
  • Reservation - RV Reservation
  • Reservation - Restaurant Reservation
  • Reservation - Trains Reservation Form
  • Reservation - Wedding
  • Reservation Form - Banquet Hall Reservations


  • General Form - Customer Feedback Survey Form


  • Agreement - Sky Diving Agreement
  • Waiver - ATV Waiver
  • Waiver - Athletic Waiver
  • Waiver - Boating
  • Waiver - Dance Studio Waiver
  • Waiver - Gym/Fitness Waiver
  • Waiver - Health Screening
  • Waiver - Helicopter Tours
  • Waiver - Hot Spring
  • Waiver - Ice Skating Waiver & Release
  • Waiver - Nail Salon Waiver
  • Waiver - SPA
  • Waiver - Shooting Range
  • Waiver - Ski/ Winter Activities
  • Waiver - Snow Tubing Waiver
  • Waiver - Tattoo
  • Waiver - Wall Climbing Waiver
  • Waiver -Photograph/ Video-Consent and Waiver
  • Waiver- Glacier Hike /Ice climbing Waiver
  • Waivers- Driving School
Agreement - Sky Diving Agreement
Created by WaiverForever
Use Template
Skydiving Waiver THIS IS AN IMPORTANT LEGAL DOCUMENT. BY SIGNING IT, YOU ARE       GIVING UP CERTAIN LEGAL RIGHTS PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY In consideration of Skydiving, LLC allowing First Name, Last Name to utilize the facilities and participate in the skydiving/parachuting, aviation, and related activities (hereinafter referred to as "activities covered by the Agreement”), I agree that: 1. ASSUMPTION OF RISK. I know and understand the scope, nature, and extent of the risks involved in the activities covered by this Agreement. I understand these risks include, but are not limited to: equipment malfunction and/or failure to function; defective and/or negligent design and/or manufacture of equipment; improper and/or negligent parachute packing and/or assembly; improper and/or negligent operation and/or use of the equipment; aircraft malfunction and/or negligent aircraft operation; carelessness and/or negligent instruction and/or supervision. I voluntarily, freely and expressly choose to incur all risks associated with the activities covered by this Agreement, understanding that those risks may include personal injury, damage to property, and/or death. Please type your name initials 2. EXEMPTION AND RELEASE FROM LIABILITY. I exempt and release the following persons, corporations, and organizations: Skydiving, LLC; all aircraft owners, and pilots with whom it contracts for flying services; and including all of each person's, corporations, and organization's officers. agents, servants, employees, representatives, lessors; (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Releasees”), from any and all liability, claims, demands or actions or causes of action whatsoever arising out of any damage, loss or injury to me or my property, or my death, while upon the premises or aircraft or while participating in any of the activities covered by this Agreement, whether resulting from the negligence and/or other fault, either active or passive, of any of Releasees, or from any other cause. Please type your name initials 3. COVENANT NOT TO SUE. I agree never to institute any suit or action at law or otherwise against any of Releasees, or to initiate or assist in the prosecution of any claim for damages or cause of action which I may have by reason of injury to my person or property, or my death, arising from the activities covered by this Agreement, whether caused by the negligence and/or other fault, either active or passive, of any of Releasees, or from any other cause. I further agree that my heirs, executors, administrators, personal representatives, and/or anyone else claiming on my behalf, shall not institute any suit or action at law or otherwise against any of Releasees, nor shall they initiate or assist the prosecution of any claim for damages or cause of action which I, my heirs, executors, administrators, personal representatives, and/or anyone else claiming on my behalf may have by reason of injury to my person or property, or my death, arising from activities covered by this Agreement, whether caused by the negligence and for other fault, either active or passive, of any of Releasees, or from any other cause. I hereby so instruct my heirs, executors, administrators, personal representatives and/or anyone else claiming on my behalf.Should any such suit or action at law or otherwise be instituted against any of Releasees, I agree that such Releasees shall be entitled to recover attorneys' fees and costs incurred in defense of such suit or action, including any appeals there from. Please type your name initials 4. INDEMNITY AGAINST THIRD PARTY CLAIMS. I will indemnify, save and hold harmless Releasees from any and all losses, claims, actions, or proceedings of every kind and character, including attorney's fees and expenses, which may be presented or initiated by any other persons or organizations and which arise directly or indirectly from my participation in the activities covered by this Agreement, whether resulting from the negligence and/or other fault, either active or passive, of any of Releasees or from any other cause. Please type your name initials 5. VALIDITY OF WAIVER. I understand and agree that if I institute, or anyone on my behalf institutes, any suit or action at law or any claim for damages or cause of action against any of Releasees because of injury to my person or property, or my death, due to the activities covered by this Agreement, this Agreement can and will be used as evidence in court, and that agreements like this one have been upheld in courts in similar circumstances. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. I hereby acknowledge that I have read all of the provisions above and fully understand the terms and conditions expressed therein and agree to be bound by such terms and conditions. Age Participant's Name Email Participant's Signature Witness's Name Witness' Signature Date For Emergency Notify Phone