Create Template By AI

Now we can automatically generate templates for you with the help of AI.

Generate with AI
Just enter the name of the template you want, and witness the power of WaiverForever AI!
AI Generator

Explore Our AI Generator

Creating Your Template Just Got Easier.

Provide us with your desired template name and a succinct description. Our AI Generator will then step in to create a tailor-made template for you, streamlining your process with both ease and accuracy.

Creating Your Template Just Got Easier.

Stay Tuned for More AI-Powered Features.

1. AI Writer for Email content and Thank you messages. 2. AI-powered recommendations for options in Single Choice and Multiple Choice boxes. 3. Enhance your document quality with AI. 4. ……

Stay Tuned for More AI-Powered Features.

How to use WaiverForever AI to automatically generate templates

using ai generating steps 1

Step 1

Click Create by AI / AI Generator

using ai generating steps 2

Step 2

Provide additional content description or modify the title accordingly

using ai generating steps 3

Step 3

Preview Template
