Pet Adoption Application
Applicant's Name
Are you interested in a Dog or Cat
Phone Number
Are you currently employed
How many hours a day are you away from the house
Date of Birth
Do you have someone who can take care of your pet while you are at work
Do you have a plan for your dog/cat when you go on vacation
Have you ever had any other pets
Do you have any other pets currently
Are you aware that a dog/cat can cost a minimum of $30 a month? Vet bills are generally $250 and up each year for annual shots and checkups and that an average emergency room visit can cost $1000
Reference #1
Reference #1 phone number
Reference #2
Reference #2 phone number
I agree to pay the adoption fee $450 for puppies and dogs, or $200 for a kitten. Adoption fees are NON-REFUNDABLE